
My first blog post. Well here is a little about myself. I am born in Singapore but have been here in Perth Australia for about 30 years. I am happily married with 2 daughters, aged 16 and 10. I am Eurasian and am working as a Training Manager in a Healthcare Organisation. Currently, I am completing a Master’s of Education (Research)and this is the beginning of another journey of my life, well to be more precise a decision to go “right” in the many paths in front of me. Hey, guess what? It’s also descriptions I use to describe myself when someone asks me to introduce myself.

So what interests me? What am I good at? I am good at my job. I believe I am an expert at what I do. I am a good manager.I paint, I enjoy and read about history and I do a few tricks. Ask me what I mean when you next see me. I promise to surprise you.

So more on this journey of mine. I am studying Teacher Burnout. More importantly, I am looking at Emotional Intelligence and how teachers with high emotional intelligence tend to be more resilient. However, what many teachers do not take into account is that there are certain emotions that are culturally specific. So a high emotional intelligence score does not always equate to high emotional intelligence especially in a multicultural environment. In other words, the measurement used to measure emotional intelligence does not take into account culturally specific emotions.

Enough about me at the moment. But I promise to keep everyone updated once in a while…